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Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan

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My Place, My Views - Talking Points

My Place, My Views - Talking Points

See what people said about the area you live and the important questions your comments have raised about planning for the future through the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan!

You can use our interactive report to look to see local trends, opinions and topics of interest or look at our report which highlights recurring talking points raised across the Joint Local Plan area by those who took part in the survey. This is just the start of the conversation, so do not worry if you have more to say as their will be opportunities to talk to us in the future and we will keep you updated.

Many thanks,

The Joint Local Plan Team

Posted on 30th June 2023

by The Joint Local Plan Team

My Place, My Views - Thanks for taking part!

Dear residents

Thank you so much for taking part in My Place, My Views.

We had around 1,500 people take part in the survey from across Plymouth, South Hams and West Devon, over half of which have never taken part in a conversation about the Joint Local Plan before.

So what is next?

  • We will randomly pick our six prize winners from those who opted in to our voucher competition. We will email winners with more details.
  • Our team will be reviewing what you have told us to understand more about your neighbourhoods and visions for their future. We also will be looking at which groups of the population were best and least represented to understand where how we could improve our approach for the future. This will take some time, so please be patient.
  • We will pick out recurring questions and respond to them through a new questions and answers tile on the My Place, My Views page. We will send an email to let you know when this has been published if you have opted in for updates.
  • We will create our My Place My Views Update Report which will summarise what you have told us so far, so your views can easily be referred back to in future conversations about the Joint Local Plan.
  • We will share your comments with other public service operators where relevant to help us work better together. We value your privacy and will not share any of your personal information.
  • If you have signed up for project emails, we will email you to keep you updated on future progress and consultation events for the Joint Local Plan.

    Many thanks

    The Joint Local Plan Team

    Posted on 25th October 2022

    by The Joint Local Plan Team

    My Place, My Views, did you know?

    Tell us about your vision for your city, town or village on our interactive map at

    If you live in Plymouth, you can see our current plans for the future of city centre at

    Posted on 26th September 2022

    by The Joint Local Plan Team

    My Place, My Views, four weeks in! Some of the talking points so far...

    A big thank you to all those who have taken part in My Place My Views so far, we have had over 1100 contributions from over 900 of our residents already and there are still 8 weeks of the consultation left to go! We are really pleased to hear back those who have commented on the Joint Local Plan before and thrilled to welcome over 400 residents who have not taken part in discussions previously!

    Please help us spread the word about the consultation to your friends and families as the more people who take part the more we will understand about our communities. Remember everyone who takes part and opts in will have the opportunity to win up to £100 in vouchers towards treats such as meals out, entertainment and holiday experiences.

    Up to the end of the consultation, we will be reflecting on some of the talking points raised from responses we have had the chance to read so far in the hope we can understand more.

    Click here to add a comment on our map and tell us more about any of the below talking points...

    Thank you for all your questions so far. We are currently collating and reviewing them and will be responding to the most asked questions within our new Q&A tile next month. Remember that if you have a question you would like us to consider including you can write it in the text box which is included on our Project Information Tile or email us at

    Remember you can come back and comment on our map or read what others have been saying about your area at any time.

    Posted on 25th August 2022

    by The Joint Local Plan Team

    My Place, My Views launches!

    We are excited to launch My Place, My Views!

    We know people's lives are quickly changing, particularly since the pandemic, so we want to make sure we understand how these changes are affecting our local communities and are reflected in our future plans.

    Access our new pilot website to:

    1. Take a quick survey to tell us about the area you live, let us know how you feel about the facilities, shops and services available to you!

    2. Leave a pin on a map to tell us about your favourite places and the places you would like to change over the next ten years and tell us why. Remember you can come back at any time before the consultation closes to view what others have been saying and leave more comments about the places which are important to you!

    We will be keeping you updated on the progress of the consultation here including insights into the comments we have had so far and information about how to find us at future events.

    Posted on 26th July 2022

    by The Joint Local Plan Team