Look Back at - Take a quick survey! - Plymouth And South West Devon Joint Local Plan


Take a quick survey!


Win a prize

All residents who complete the survey will have the opportunity to opt into our raffle prize for gift vouchers up to £100 in value. These can be spent across a range of dining, entertainment and experiences including venues throughout the South Hams, West Devon and Plymouth. 

We will be emailing the winners of the raffle soon after the close of the consultation to confirm acceptance and postage details. The voucher provider will be responsible in full for the delivery of all services in relation to their service.

Getting Started... 

Firstly, we would like to do a temperature check on how you feel about facilities, services and shops available to you. 


Our shopping and work habits have been changing rapidly over the last few years. Next we would like to know about your use of online and in-person services to inform our thinking on how our physical spaces might change in future.

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
